Andy Partridge on Humanoid Boogie and Apples and Oranges

Buy now: XTC Bumper Book Mark Fisher, editor of The XTC Bumper Book of Fun for Boys and Girls , talks to Andy Partridge about his limited-edition EP covering two songs from 1967: Humanoid Boogie by the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and Apples and Oranges by Pink Floyd. MARK FISHER: I'm assuming you're sitting there in Dukes of Stratosphear garb. ANDY PARTRIDGE: It's only just coincidental that they're two songs I've always loved and always wanted to cover. There are other songs I could have equally picked: Citadel by the Rolling Stones or Mellow Yellow… seemingly all from the same sort of years. I guess I was just at that everything-impressiony stage. I would have been 13 – or 14 in November 67. So these were the first things you were listening to of your own volition. Well, one of the very first albums I bought in 68 was the Bonzos' Doughnut in Granny's Greenhouse. I took my paper-round money into a bookshop called Wymans. They had this groovy little ...